Music and Movement - Water
Music and Movement - Plants/Trees
Music and Movement - Animals
Music and Movement - Patriotic
Music and Movement - Farm
Music and Movement - Construction/Transportation
Music and Movement - Favorites
I know a New Way to Say Hello by Big Jeff for Exercise Party
I know a new way to say hello
Say hello say hello
I know a new way to say hello
All you do is wiggle your ears
Stomp your feet
Move your hips
But I still like the old way to say hello
Say hello say hello
All you do is wave your hands
Crunch, the Shy Dinosaur by Cirocco Dunlap
If You're Hoppy by April Pulley Sayre
My Friends Make Me Happy by Jan Thomas
Spin Again by Jim Gill for Jim Gill Sing Do Rei Me On His Toe Leg Knee + ribbon wands
Going to Kentucky by Carole Peterson from Baloney
Oh the city is great and the city is grand
There's a whole lot of people
on a little piece of land
And we live way up on the 57th floor
and this is what we do when we go out the door.
We take the elevator up and the elevator down,
take the elevator up, take the elevator down
Take the elevator up and the elevator down
and we turn around.
Oh the ocean is great and the ocean is grand.
There are lots of tall ships and very little land.
And we sleep down deep in a hammock near the floor
And this is what we do when we go out the door:
We ride the waves going up, we ride the waves going down
We ride the waves going up, we ride the waves going down
We ride the waves going up, we ride the waves going down
And we turn around.
Oh the fair is great and the fair is grand
There are lots of tall rides and cotton candy in your hand
Better get your ticket quick and don’t be late
There's a whole lot of people
on a little piece of land
And we live way up on the 57th floor
and this is what we do when we go out the door.
We take the elevator up and the elevator down,
take the elevator up, take the elevator down
Take the elevator up and the elevator down
and we turn around.
Oh the ocean is great and the ocean is grand.
There are lots of tall ships and very little land.
And we sleep down deep in a hammock near the floor
And this is what we do when we go out the door:
We ride the waves going up, we ride the waves going down
We ride the waves going up, we ride the waves going down
We ride the waves going up, we ride the waves going down
And we turn around.
Oh the fair is great and the fair is grand
There are lots of tall rides and cotton candy in your hand
Better get your ticket quick and don’t be late
And this is what you do when you go through the gate
Take the roller coaster up and the roller coaster down
Take the roller coaster up and the roller coaster down
Take the roller coaster up and the roller coaster down
And we turn around
Take the roller coaster up and the roller coaster down
Take the roller coaster up and the roller coaster down
Take the roller coaster up and the roller coaster down
And we turn around
Little Jingle Mouse is from Toddler Story Time - Roar! I'm a Dinosaur! on Library Village.
Early one morning
Right inside my house.
I heard a little clapping, (clap hands softly)
It sounded like the clapping
Of a little clapping mouse.
He clapped up to the ceiling, (clap hands high over head)
he clapped down to the floor, (clap hands down on the floor)
he clapped all around my house (move clapping hands in a cirlce)
until he began to snore... (clap softer and softer until its silent)
Right inside my house.
I heard a little clapping, (clap hands softly)
It sounded like the clapping
Of a little clapping mouse.
He clapped up to the ceiling, (clap hands high over head)
he clapped down to the floor, (clap hands down on the floor)
he clapped all around my house (move clapping hands in a cirlce)
until he began to snore... (clap softer and softer until its silent)
Five Furry Cats Velcro Glove
Tune Cube
Yoga – You Are a Lion! and Other Fun Yoga Poses by Taeeun Yoo – Frog Pose
First we go up, up, up (rise and reach up)
Then we go down, down, down. (reach down)
Then we go up, up, up, (reach up)
Then we spin round and round (spin around)
Then we all clap, clap, clap. (clap)
Then we all touch the sky. (reach up)
Then we all take a bow (bow)
Then we all say "Goodbye!" (wave goodbye)
Storytime with Ms.Kelly Opening and Closing Songs
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