Thursday, July 26, 2018

Music and Movement - Farm

Music and Movement - Welcome
Music and Movement - Water
Music and Movement - Plants/Trees
Music and Movement - Animals
Music and Movement - Patriotic
Music and Movement - Farm
Music and Movement - Construction/Transportation
Music and Movement - Favorites

I know a New Way to Say Hello 
by Big Jeff for Exercise Party 
I know a new way to say hello 
Say hello say hello 
I know a new way to say hello 
All you do is wiggle your ears 

Stomp your feet

Move your hips 

But I still like the old way to say hello 
Say hello say hello 
All you do is wave your hands

Clip Clop by Nicola Smee + egg shakers
Huff and Puff by Claudia Rueda
Duck Sock Hop by Jane Kohuth

Shake My Sillies Out by Raffi for More Singable Songs

Sleeping Bag Song by Carole Peterson Stephenson from H.U.M. - Highly Usable Music - Here the tune so you can sing it yourself and see lyrics on Macaroni Soup You can use with a large enough parachute by sitting with your legs under the fabric like it is your sleeping bag.

Shake It To The Easy by Kathi Reid Naiman for Reaching for The Stars

Little Jingle Mouse is from Toddler Story Time - Roar! I'm a Dinosaur on Library Village 
Early one morning
Right inside my house.
I heard a little clapping,  (clap hands softly)
It sounded like the clapping
Of a little clapping mouse.
He clapped up to the ceiling,  (clap hands high over head)
he clapped down to the floor,  (clap hands down on the floor)
he clapped all around my house (move clapping hands in a cirlce)
until  he began to snore...  (clap softer and softer until its silent)

Mailbox - Fox

Door - Dinosaur

     Behind the tree * *
And under the house * *
There lived a teeny * *
Tiny mouse * *
She loved to sing * *
She loved to tap * *
But most of all * *
She loved to clap * *
She clapped all night * *
She clapped all day * *
She clapped to frighten * *
The cat away * * * * * * * * (lots of claps)

Tune Cube

Yoga – You Are a Lion! and Other Fun Yoga Poses by Taeeun Yoo – Cat Pose

Image result for you are a lion
First we go up, up, up (rise and reach up)
Then we go down, down, down. (reach down)
Then we go up, up, up, (reach up)
Then we spin round and round (spin around)
Then we all clap, clap, clap. (clap)
Then we all touch the sky. (reach up)
Then we all take a bow (bow)
Then we all say "Goodbye!" (wave goodbye)

Storytime with Ms.Kelly Opening and Closing Songs


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