Friday, June 22, 2018

Music and Movement - Plants/Trees

Music and Movement - Welcome
Music and Movement - Water
Music and Movement - Plants/Trees
Music and Movement - Animals
Music and Movement - Patriotic
Music and Movement - Farm
Music and Movement - Construction/Transportation
Music and Movement - Favorites

I know a New Way to Say Hello by Big Jeff for Exercise Party 

I know a new way to say hello 
Say hello say hello 
I know a new way to say hello 
All you do is wiggle your ears 

Stomp your feet

Move your hips 

But I still like the old way to say hello 
Say hello say hello 
All you do is wave your hands

Plant theTiny Seed by Christie Matheson
Wow Said the Owl by Tim Hopgood
Shake the Tree by Chiara Vignocchi + eggs shakers

Apple Tree by Carole Peterson for HUM Highly Usable Music

Thursday, June 21, 2018

Music and Movement - Water

Music and Movement - Welcome
Music and Movement - Water
Music and Movement - Plants/Trees
Music and Movement - Animals
Music and Movement - Patriotic
Music and Movement - Farm
Music and Movement - Construction/Transportation
Music and Movement - Favorites

I know a New Way to Say Hello by Big Jeff for Exercise Party

I know a new way to say hello
Say hello say hello
I know a new way to say hello
All you do is wiggle your ears

Stomp your feet

Move your hips

But I still like the old way to say hello
Say hello say hello
All you do is wave your hands

Jump! by Scott M. Fischer + told with scarves to throw in the air every time I use the word jump. 

Jump, Frog, Jump! by Robert Kalan (big book)

The Croaky Pokey by Ethan Long

Shake My Sillies Out by Raffi from More Singable Songs + Bells
Goldfish by Laurie Berkner fromThe Best of the Laurie Berkner Band

Thursday, June 14, 2018

Music and Movement - Welcome

Music and Movement is a nine week group of preschool storytimes that last from 35-45 minutes with an emphasis and keeping the kids extra active.  There is no craft at the end.  Ideally each class will use two hand outs such as shakers, scarves, drums, bells, ribbon wands and rhythm sticks. 

Music and Movement - Welcome
Music and Movement - Water
Music and Movement - Plants/Trees
Music and Movement - Animals
Music and Movement - Patriotic
Music and Movement - Farm

Music and Movement - Construction/Transportation
Music and Movement - Favorites


I know a New Way to Say Hello by Big Jeff for Exercise Party 

I know a new way to say hello
Say hello say hello
I know a new way to say hello
All you do is wiggle your ears

Stomp your feet 

Move your hips

But I still like the old way to say hello
Say hello say hello
All you do is wave your hands

Dance With A
nimals :Shake Your Tail and Stomp Your Feet by Susan Kelly

Like a Windy Day by Devin Asch  - read in with scarves and have the children act out the motions 
Tap to Play by Salina Yoon

Windy Day by Carole Peterson for HUM Highly Usable Music
What A
re You Wearing by Carole Peterson for Baloney
Hula Mula for Exercise Party + egg shakers
Milkshake for Songs for Wiggle Worms+ eggs shakers

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