We Are Here Together - From Open/Closing Songs by Storytime Katie “Here, Here” (Tune: “Skip to My Lou”)

Here, here, we’ll all here
Here, here, we’ll all here
Here, here, we’ll all here
We’re all here in storytime
Hello, children, how are you?
Hello, grown-ups, how are you?
Hello, friends, how are you?
We’re so glad to see you!
Summer Beat by Betsy Franco
My first group thought this book was too long and slow. My second group really settled in. They became very quiet and were cuddly with their parents right up until the end.
Olivia Forms a Band by Ian Falconer
My kids just do not understand Olivia. The humor is lost on them.
Biscuit's 4th of July by Alyssa Satin Capucilli
Cute, simple and safe.
Is Everyone Ready for Fun by Jan Thomas
This was hands down the best book of storytime. In fact I did this program with my regular preschool group and I repeated it a day later with for visiting preschool group. The children were intrigued by my stand up book and it really helped to drain their energy so I could help them focus on other things.
Wheels on the Bus by Mr. Eric and Mr Michael from Groovy Green
Can't Wait to Celebrate by Jim Gill from Irrational Anthem and More Salutes to Nonsense.The Freeze by Greg and Steve from Kids in Action
Spaghetti Legs by Jim Gill from The Sneezing Song and Other Contagious Tunes
Sticky Bubble Gum by Hugh Hanley
I don't have the cd so we just sang it ourselves. To hear the tune and see the lyrics with actions, visit SongsForTeaching.
Felt Board
I tried to get my group to sing Happy Birthday to America before we did this rhyme but they all gave me the oddest looks. Also of the two groups I tried this with, one group was convinced that if they blew the candles off the board that I would just keep putting them back up. To a preschooler this is a marvelous game. I was not amused and we moved on without completing the rhyme.
5 Birthday Candles wish there were more
Blew out one, then there were 4.
4 birthday candles, pretty as can be.
Blow one out, then there are 3.
3 birthday candles, Hope my wish comes true.
Blow one out, then there are 2.
2 birthday candles Birthday cakes are fun
Blow one out, Then there is 1.
1 birthday candle, the party is almost done.
Blow out one, Then there are none
Bean Bags
With bean bags - Song: “Silly Hat Song” (Tune: This Old Man) Credit: SurLaLune Storytime
On my head, I wear my hat. It is such a silly hat
That my head will wiggle waggle to and fro
Where else can my silly hat go?
[Repeat using foot, elbow and knee.]
Puppet On Your Heart
From JBrary, you can watch the full video of the song. I changed the lyrics to beanbags and it went very well.
Put your puppet on your heart, On your heart.
Put your puppet on your heart,On your heart.
Put your puppet on your heart,What a lovely way to start!
Put your puppet on your heart,On your heart.
Put your puppet on your knee…
You’ll both be filled with glee…
Put your puppet on your toes…
Now move it to your nose…
Put your puppet on your head…
Put your puppet straight to bed…
Give your puppet a big hug…
Make it snug as a bug in a rug
Fireworks Go - Borrowed from Miss Katie's Storytime Wiki and she borrowed it from Perpetual Preschool. I like this rhyme but I can't snap my fingers and neither can most of my storytime kids.
snap, snap, snap (snap fingers)
crack, crack, crack (slap knees)
zap, zap, zap (make flashing motions with hands)
Fireworks make me
clap, clap, clap (clap hands)
on Independence Day!
Closing – tune farmer in the dell
We clap our hands like this
We clap our hands like this
We clap our hands with all of our friends
We clap our hands like this.
We blow a kiss like this
We blow a kiss like this
We blow a kiss with all of our friends
We blow a kiss like this.
We wave goodbye like this.
We wave goodbye like this.
We wave goodbye with all our friends.
We wave goodbye like this.
I am so glad I didn't plan a craft. I've been having 15-20 children but this week I had 36. I would have run out of supplies for sure. I have a giant bin of duplo blocks and we played with those for about 15 minutes after class instead. I was so happy that everyone helped to clean up afterwards. No on threw any blocks and we all got to practice sharing.