I was inspired by the blog Mel's Desk when I saw the post Not a Flannel Friday: 5 Little Nails. I created my own Tube Story which I used in my construction preschool storytime. I really liked the look of the faux wood grain background you can add in Publisher so I made a wood pattern for the paper both the tube and the tabs with the nails.
Five Little Nails
Five little nails, standing straight and steady.
Here I come with my hammer ready!
Bam Bam Bam! That nail goes down.
Now there’s just four nails to pound.
I like to use plastic coffee cans as drums in storytime. We did a few songs on the drums before I introduced the rhyme. Then as I said the line "Bam Bam Bam! That nail goes down," I had the children hammer on their drums.
Check out another Tube Story for Five Hungry Ants in Preschool Storytime - July 4th Reboot.