Hello Everybody, Yes Indeed by Carole Peterson from H.U.M.
Hello to your toes yes indeed yes indeed yes indeed
Hello to your toes yes indeed my darling
Knees – shoulders - friends
Little Rabbit Who Liked to Moo by Jonathan Allen
Have You Got My Purr by Judy West
Do Cows Meow? by Salina Yoon
Goin' To Kentucky by Carole Peterson from Baloney
I Feel Crazy So I Jump in the Soup by Laurie Berkner from Victor Vito
Froggy Hop - from Brilliant Beanbags by Storytime Stuff
(to the tune of “Here We Go ‘Round the Mulberry Bush”)
For baby and toddler storytimes: Give a bean bag to each caregiver and have them hop it on the baby’s toes, knees, etc. as described in the rhyme.
For older children: Follow the directions below to make this a balancing activity.
Froggy’s hopping on my toes, on my toes, on my toes (balance bean bag on toes)
Froggy’s hopping on my toes –
RIBBIT! (move bean bag to knee)
Froggy’s hopping on my knee…
Froggy’s hopping on my tummy…
Froggy’s hopping on my shoulder…
Froggy’s hopping on my head
RIBBIT! (make bean bag jump to floor)
We Clap Our Hands Like This - tune farmer in the dell. Borrowed from Opening/Closing Songs on Storytime Katie who borrowed it from Rhymes for Toddlers on Sunflower Storytime.
We clap our hands like this
We clap out hands like this
We clap our hands with all of our friends
We clap our hands like this.
We blow a kiss like this
We blow a kiss like this
We blow a kiss with all of our friends
We blow a kiss like this.
We wave goodbye like this.
We wave goodbye like this.
We wave goodbye with all our friends.
We wave goodbye like this.
All Around the Circle by Peter and Ellen Allard for Sing It! Say It! Sway It! Vol 1
Can You Leap Like a Frog by Greg and Steve for Kids In Action
I just changed out the word to parachute and had the kids do opposites, plus right and left.

Marmalade and Jam
Let's tap our sticks as quiet as we can
...loud as we can
...slow as we can
...fast as we can
...high as we can
...low as we can
...nice as we can
Popcorn Song (tune of Frere Jacques, so sing each line twice) from Jbrary
Popcorn Kernels (wave scarves overhead)
In the pot (make their scarves 'disappear' by bunching them up in their fists)
Shake them shake them shake them (shake)
'til they POP (Toss scarves up into the air)
Popcorn Kernels (wave scarves overhead)
In the pot (make their scarves 'disappear' by bunching them up in their fists)
Shake them shake them shake them (shake)
'til they POP (Toss scarves up into the air)
Today's craft was a animal sound spinner. You print a PDF of the top circle with the animal sounds and the bottom circle with the animals. After you color both circles however you like, just pin the two together with a brad or brass fastener. Click the link to download this craft printable.