Sit Down, Stand Up Song by Rick Goldin
Everybody stand up
Everybody sit down
Now stand up again
And turn around
Keep standing up
But not for long
Cause this is the sit down stand up sit down stand up sit down song
Plumply, Dumply Pumpkin by Mary Serfozo.
Spider on the Floor words and music by Raffi
Don't Push the Button! by Bill Cotter
Put Your Fingers In the Air by Carole Peterson from Baloney
Dance Freeze Melt by Mr. Eric and Mr. Micheal from Rockin' Red
The Apple Tree by Carole Peterson from H.U.M
Goin' To Kentucky by Carole Peterson from Baloney
Five Little Pumpkins by Raffi from Singable Songs for the Very Young
Felt Board
Go Away Big Green Monster by Emberley
Felt Monster |
Bean Bags
“Silly Hat Song” (Tune: This Old Man) Credit: SurLaLune Storytime , same as the song below it is intended for use with something other than a beanbag but it works great regardless.
On my head, I wear my hat. It is such a silly hat
That my head will wiggle waggle to and fro
Where else can my silly hat go?
[Repeat using foot, elbow and knee.]
Puppet On Your Heart
From JBrary, you can watch the full video of the song. I changed the lyrics to beanbags and it went very well.
Put your puppet on your heart, On your heart.
Put your puppet on your heart,On your heart.
Put your puppet on your heart,What a lovely way to start!
Put your puppet on your heart,On your heart.
Put your puppet on your knee…
You’ll both be filled with glee…
Put your puppet on your toes…
Now move it to your nose…
We Clap Our Hands Like This - tune farmer in the dell
Borrowed from Opening/Closing Songs onStorytime Katie who borrowed it from Rhymes for Toddlers on Sunflower Storytime.
We clap our hands like this
We clap our hands like this
We clap our hands with all of our friends
We clap our hands like this.
We blow a kiss like this
We blow a kiss like this
We blow a kiss with all of our friends
We blow a kiss like this.
We wave goodbye like this.
We wave goodbye like this.
We wave goodbye with all our friends.
We wave goodbye like this
We made monster Monster Masks using the template from from Sunflower Storytime.
Monster Masks |