I Know New Way to Say Hello - from Exercise Party. I used the tune and we added other things beyond the original lyrics.
I know a new way to say hello, say hello, say hello
I know a new way to say hello all you do is blink your eyes
wiggle your ears
stomp your feet
but i still like the old way to say hello, say hello, say hello
i still like the old way to say hello, all I do is wave my hands
Stand Up Sit Down Song by Rick Goldin
Everybody stand up
Everybody sit down
now stand up again, and turn around
you can keep standing up, but not for long
cause this is the stand up, sit down, stand up, sit down song
stand up if you're ___ years old
and sit back down again
stand up if you're ___ years old
and sit back down with your friends
(repeat until I get everyone)
Eggs Shakers
Shaky Shaky by the Wiggles from Yummy Yummy
Mango Tree – call and answer song you can repeat with lots of other fruits
Shake, shake, the mango tree.
Shake, shake, the mango tree.
Mango yellow, mango green
Mango yellow, mango green
One for you, and one for me.
One for you, and one for me.
Far, far, far, we're going to the stars (x 2)
If you want to take a trip climb aboard my rocket ship
Far, far, far, we're going to the stars
In 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, blast off!
Fun, fun, fun we're going to the sun....
Zoom, Zoom, Zoom, We’re going to the moon.
Bean Bags
Dance Freeze Melt by Mr. Eric and Mr. Micheal from Rockin' Red
Drive the Fire Truck - see the video version by the Toronto Public Library.
Book Break - Wiggle by Doreen Cronin. Every time the book used the word wiggle the kids had to shake their bean bags.
Jumping and Counting by Jim Gill from The Irrational Album

Closing - scarves
Wind, Oh Wind - King County Library System
wind oh wind oh wind oh wind I say
what are you blowing away today?
Scarves scarves scarves I say
I’m blowing the scarves away today
Reach Up High from Exercise Party
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