Hello Everybody, Yes Indeed by Carole Peterson from H.U.M.
Hello to your toes yes indeed yes indeed yes indeed
Hello to your toes yes indeed my darling
Knees – shoulders - friends
Ten Wriggly Wiggly Caterpillars by Debbie Tarbett
Butterfly Butterfly by Petr Horocek
Very Greedy Bee by Steve Smallman
Flitter Flutter by Johnette Downing for The Second Line – Scarf Activity Songs
Spider on the Floor by Raffi for Singable Songs for the Very Young
Walter the Waltzing Worm by Hap Palmer - I start this song by handing each child a piece of string to use at their worm. They move the worm around on their body as the song suggests and at the end they can keep their new friend.
Borrowed from Scarf Songs and Rhymes for Storytime on Jbrary.
One Bright scarf (adapted from 10 Little Fingers at Storytime Rocks)
One bright scarf waiting for the wind to blow (hold in hand)
Wiggle it high (wiggle scarf above head)
Wiggle it low (wiggle scarf by knees)
Shake it fast (wiggle scarf quickly)
Shake it slow (wiggle scarf slowly)
Put it behind your back (bring out empty hands)
Where did it go?
Jack in the box, sits so still
Will he come out, yes he will.
Folder Story
This is my library's version of the Ladybug, Ladybug folder story that teaches colors. I didn't make this for my library and I do not know who to credit for the original idea. Full text of the rhyme is available at Fun With Friends at Storytime - The Lovely Ladybug.
We Clap Our Hands Like This - tune farmer in the dell. Borrowed from Opening/Closing Songs on Storytime Katie who borrowed it from Rhymes for Toddlers on Sunflower Storytime.
We clap our hands like this
We clap out hands like this
We clap our hands with all of our friends
We clap our hands like this.
We blow a kiss like this
We blow a kiss like this
We blow a kiss with all of our friends
We blow a kiss like this.
We wave goodbye like this.
We wave goodbye like this.
We wave goodbye with all our friends.
We wave goodbye like this.
Using two Ellison die cuts, I made large magnifying glasses and many small bugs. The children could glue their magnifying class on construction paper and then draw an outdoor scene with the paper bugs in full view.
I think most children are more fascinated than afraid of bugs; good program idea.